The Government of Quebec wants to offer a more efficient answer to the needs of qualified labour in line with those of the labour market, which is a crucial task for the economy of the province of Quebec.
The politique sur la réussite educative (Educational Success Policy) of the Ministry of Education and the implementation of Career Counselling Tables are a step in that direction. Moreover, a study led by the Ministry on “L’orientation des adultes sans diplôme dans une perspective d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie” from Rachel Bélisle of the Université de Sherbrooke highlights that:
of adults without a diploma, whether they are employed or not, have envisioned going back to school
would like to use counselling services
do not know which organizations can help them and answer their questions regarding career counselling
To address these observations, the mandate of Career Counselling Tables is to gather organization providing counselling services in a given administrative region and to critically analyze how these services are organized, in the objective to improve their accessibility to the adult population.
The website YOUR PATH YOUR CHOICES is one of the tools chosen by a few partner regional tables to raise awareness to the adult population of the services offered in Counseling, Training, Employment.